Lobby Day 2024

Posted By: Andrea Bennett CITE News,

CA State Capital Building

On May 7, 2024, CITE staff, selected Board members, and our representatives from Capitol Advisors Group(CAG) held several meetings in Sacramento for our 2024 Lobby Day. This was the first time since 2019 that all our meetings were in person. It felt good to be able to shake hands and look people in the eye while

 we discussed our priorities.

We worked with CAG to prepare a "leave behind" document that explained a select list of issues we wanted to address. Our goal is always to remind those we meet with who CITE is and what resources we have that can help them do their jobs. We bring a collaborative attitude to these meetings and try to establish long-term relationships. This helps when legislation is being formed or changed that might affect our members because they will contact us and ask our opinion. This gives us the opportunity to explain whether the language is good or bad for schools and the reasons why. You may see messages from me for a "Call to Action" if there is legislation that needs to be stopped or supported. Pay attention when/if you see those as this meas the topic is very impotant and we need your help.

This year, our goal was to raise awareness for the following:

  • Cybersecurity Insurance - as many of you know, obtaining and retaining this insurance is becoming more difficult. We explained the challenges and the topic was new to everyone. 
  • State Support can have big local impacts - this message explained the challenges that schools have when well-meaning legislation is passed without funding. We gave the example of implementing Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA). Every LEA understands the importance of this and, by the way, it is a requirement for Cybersecurity insurance, but passing legislation requiring LEAs to implement MFA would be difficult for many LEAs. So, adding state supported funding is essential in some legislation.
  • Artificial Intelligence - several bills have been introduced around AI. While non have language that will impact schools yet, we wanted to be sure to discuss this with the legislators. They are all familiar with the issues and we concentrated on student data privacy. We explained that current law around student data privacy protects student data, so please don't introduce legislation now. But we need to stay aware as Generative AI develops. Vendors will add "features" to their products that could violate existing laws or create the need for new laws. CITE staff are working with other states and Fragen, Friedman & Fulfrost (F3 Law) on a new exhibit for the Data Privacy Agreement as well. This should be available this summer.

We met with the following:

CITE thanks these public servants for their dedication and hard work. We look forward to working with them.