2023 CITE Award Winners

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CITE's Awards program congratulates and celebrates CITE members, partners, and others for the work they do and the accomplishments they've made to the education community. We're excited to share more about each award recipient, including CITE Hall of Fame inductees!

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Jonas Lundgren Headshot

Jonas Lundgren
Director of Technical Services
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools

Jonas Lundgren is the Director of Technical Services at San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS). He has worked in the technology field for over 30 years and the educational environment with SBCSS for the last 25 years. Most of his experience is with network infrastructure, and he's worked closely with K12HSN/CENIC over the years to ensure high-speed connectivity for the school districts in San Bernardino County. In 2019, he completed CITE's CTOM program, and the knowledge he gained from the program is instrumental in his daily guidance of the technology team at SBCSS. He's a firm believer in teamwork and collaboration, and through collective intelligence, his team is providing secure and efficient solutions with a focus on improvements for their students and staff.

Jonas' Nomination: 

Jonas Lundgren’s 25-year journey in supporting districts throughout San Bernardino County has been truly remarkable, and his contributions have had a lasting impact on the educational landscape. As one of the pioneers during the transition to digital learning in the early 21st century, Jonas played a crucial role in shaping the way education integrated technology.

Completing the CCCTO program and being promoted to Director, Technical Services further enhanced Jonas’s expertise and positioned him as a leader with valuable knowledge and experience. He generously shared his insights with others, attending CITE regional group meetings and annual conferences, and encouraging SBCSS representation at these events to foster engagement within the community.

In a county as large as San Bernardino, providing services and support to isolated locations presented challenges, but Jonas was committed to ensuring that all students had access to working equipment. He went the extra mile by traveling for hours to reach those in need. Additionally, his efforts to secure funding through the Broadband Infrastructure and Improvement Grant (BIIG) to expand the K12HSN showcased his dedication to enhancing technological infrastructure.

Jonas’s leadership also brought about significant changes within the Technical Services Department. He led a successful reorganization that consolidated various IT positions, effectively doubling the department’s size while ensuring alignment of goals and providing a unified support front. His approach demonstrated emotional intelligence and patience, vital qualities for such a transformative process.

As a leader, Jonas was not only focused on technology but also on the development and well-being of his team. He introduced a reporting model that incorporated multiple areas of expertise, allowing middle managers to gain supervisory experience. By creating new titles and job descriptions that reflected the evolving technology landscape, Jonas attracted the right candidates to the department.

Most importantly, Jonas’s leadership philosophy prioritized people first. Understanding that the work they did served the educational community, he ensured that the needs of students, educators, and his team members were at the forefront of decision-making. His caring and kind approach earned him the respect and admiration of his peers and colleagues.

As a mentor, Jonas excelled in guiding others, exhibiting patience, wisdom, and a nurturing attitude that fostered a collaborative environment. His enthusiasm for the work he did was contagious, making each project an enjoyable journey for everyone involved.

Overall, Jonas Lundgren’s legacy of support and dedication to improving the educational landscape has left a lasting mark on countless students and educators in San Bernardino County. His leadership and commitment have made him a cherished figure within the community, and his contributions will continue to resonate for years to come.

Read more about the Technology Leader Recipient


Vincent Flores Headshot

Vincent Flores
Network Specialist III
Sacramento City Unified School District

Vincent Flores, a Network Specialist III at Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD). Flores is a Network Specialist III for a district of ~40,000 students and has functioned in that role for about 4 years. He single handedly managed the district network infrastructure during the COVID shutdown. Not only does Flores manage the network and the Google Admin for 40,000+ devices but he also managed the Zoom session board meetings for two years, live streamed the majority of our 14 graduations for the past 4 years, and manages the Zoom sessions for our evening community meetings seeking input on new principal hires, all the while maintaining a pleasant customer service stance and working to be available for all types of meeting and planning sessions. He’s even taken on some administrative work to make sure everything gets done.

Vincent's Nomination:

Vincent Flores is a Network Specialist III at the Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD). Until recently, he was the only network specialist for a district of ~45,000 students and staff and has functioned in that role for about 4 years. He has single handedly managed the district network infrastructure since the Covid shutdown. Vincent has also pushed the district with multiple cybersecurity initiatives including rolling out MFA and VPN on a recently installed firewall, successfully deployed and tested our air-gapped data backup in the cloud, setup our ”Albert” 24x7x365 monitoring server setup with the Center for Internet Security (CIS), implemented ClearPass to authenticate our devices and users for access control to District services, and is finalizing a real-time financial system backup at the Sacramento COE. He meets monthly with our Microsoft rep and has nearly tripled our Microsoft Security score during the past 14 months. Not only does Vincent manage the network and the Google Admin for 60,000+ devices but he also live streamed the majority of our 14 graduations for the past 3 years, and manages the Zoom sessions for our evening community meetings seeking input on new principal hires (~15/year), all the while maintaining a pleasant customer service stance and working to be available for all types of meeting and planning sessions. He’s even taken on some administrative work to make sure everything gets done. Without Vincent’s expertise, the online learning at SCUSD would not have been possible and school board meetings would not have been streamed!

Vincent is a SCUSD product and Sacramento High School graduate. He immediately started working for the district tech department as an intern the summer after his graduation, moved up to a Site Tech I, promoted to a Network I in 2013, and was recently promoted to Network III in 2020. Vincent has now worked for the district for over 21 years, true dedication!

Vincent is quick to respond to requests and provides responsive follow-up. He has demonstrated a strong ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems. Vincent is extremely detail oriented with a logical approach to resolving issues while conforming to district policies and IT best practices. His proactive approach to solving problems and informing leadership of emerging issues is much appreciated by Technology Services and district leadership.

Vincent exemplifies our tech team values of integrity, professionalism, dependability, and being a team-player. He tenaciously problem-solves while demonstrating a high level of professionalism. Vincent is a true team player that has everyone’s back. His friendly personality makes it easy for others to work with him. Vincent is always courteous and willing to offer assistance to our end users, tech department staff, vendors, and consultants. His customer service ratings always rank at the top. Even with all of his weighty responsibilities, Vincent ALWAYS has a smile on his face!

Vincent is available 24x7. During a recent trip to Las Vegas, he caught a phishing attempt late in the evening, locked out the offending account, and pulled back messages all while on a weekend getaway; just what we look for in a network leader! He leads by example, his work ethic is second to none, and he shows appreciation for all who work with him. As a Network Specialist, he is constantly learning while also sharing his knowledge. He holds monthly site tech meetings to review processes and introduce new topics to the tech team. He regularly attends trainings online and at Sacramento COE, reads manuals, and contacts other regional network engineers. Vincent has been a CITE member for three years and has attended the last two CITE conferences, registered for November’s conference, and recently attended the inaugural Capitol Corridor Regional Group. Vincent recently hosted a neighboring district tech team to share what we are doing at SCUSD. His knowledge base about how things work, both technically and process-wise in our district is unmatched. Without hesitation, we recommend Vincent Flores for the CITE Technology Staff Award.

Read more about the Technology Staff Recipient


Kelly Bettencourt Headshot

Kelly Bettencourt
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Twin Rivers Unified School District

Kelly has been the Coordinator of Instructional Technology at Twin Rivers USD since July 2022. She oversees the Twin Rivers Innovation Force (TRIFORCE), a collaborative effort involving educators from every school in the district. The team's goal is to foster technology's practical and innovative use in educational methodologies. Kelly has spearheaded initiatives to instill a culture of technological innovation within the district. She developed a strategic iPad implementation plan featuring a comprehensive training hub to aid educators in optimizing the use of this technology. Additionally, Kelly is enthusiastically involved in the development of a district-wide AI training plan, aiming to integrate artificial intelligence effectively into educational practices.

Kelly's Nomination:

CITE Awards Selection Committee,

I am writing to enthusiastically nominate Kelly Bettencourt, a truly exceptional educational leader, for the prestigious Educational Leader Award. Kelly’s remarkable contributions to the Twin River Unified School District have significantly impacted the organization and transformed the educational landscape through her innovative use of technology to enhance teaching and learning outcomes.

Kelly’s leadership has been instrumental in fostering a culture of innovation and technological integration within the district. As the district’s EdTech Coordinator, she has successfully led a team which we call the Twin Rivers Innovation Force (TRIFORCE), consisting of a tech-savvy teacher from each of our 53 school sites. The TRIFORCE team works to encourage the staff at each of their respective sites to embrace and utilize cutting-edge technology, ultimately revolutionizing the way education is delivered. Kelly’s shines in her ability to inspire and collaborate with this team and the broader district staff.

One of Kelly’s notable achievements is the development of an effective framework for an esports program within the Twin Rivers Unified School District. Recognizing the growing interest and potential benefits of esports in education, Kelly worked tirelessly to create a program that not only engages students but also promotes teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Her visionary approach to esports has not only captured the attention of students but has also garnered recognition and accolades from other educational institutions.

Furthermore, Kelly has spearheaded the development of multitudes of relevant training and professional development for teachers. She uses social media, tech-bytes, and other mediums in the attempt to meet all staff where they are. Her commitment to ensuring that educators are equipped with the necessary skills to leverage technology effectively is evident in her comprehensive and tailored training sessions. Through these initiatives, Kelly has empowered teachers to embrace instructional technology, enabling them to deliver engaging and dynamic lessons that resonate with today’s digital learners.

Kelly’s passion for instructional technology extends beyond the classroom. She has also worked tirelessly to help staff members understand and appreciate the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in education. Kelly created a video shared District-wide which aims to demystify AI, emphasizing its potential to personalize learning experiences and optimize educational outcomes. The video shows teachers many ways that AI can support their teaching and that it should not be feared. Her efforts have cultivated a culture of technology acceptance and integration throughout the district.

Kelly’s collaborative nature, unwavering dedication, and infectious enthusiasm for instructional technology make her an invaluable asset to the Twin River Unified School District. Her commitment to helping teachers leverage technology to improve learning outcomes has transformed classrooms and inspired countless educators. She consistently goes above and beyond her role, seeking out innovative solutions and staying abreast of the latest trends in educational technology.

In conclusion, Kelly’s exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication to enhancing teaching and learning outcomes through the use of innovative technology make her a prime candidate for the Educational Leader Award. Her framework for an effective esports program, cutting-edge training initiatives, and advocacy for the power of AI in education have left an indelible mark on the district. I nominate Kelly wholeheartedly and without reservation. I believe that she exemplifies the qualities and achievements that warrant this prestigious recognition.

Read more about the Educational Leader Recipient


Sonia Baccus Headshot

Sonia Hooks
Assistant Director of Technology Services
Los Angeles County Office of Education

Sonia Baccus Hooks is the Assistant Director of Technology Services for the nation’s largest regional education agency, serving 80 school districtsand approximately 2 million preschool and school-aged children. She is a seasoned executive with over thirty years’ experience in project management.

In serving LACOE, Sonia has been an advocate for instructional technology, connectivity, professional development and online learning. Her expertise in district and school site engagement has helped secure state, federal and corporate funding for student programs and teacher training across the county. Reporting to the Chief Technology Officer, Sonia provides a critical role in operations, compliance and fiscal management for over $70 million annually. Expenditures include cyber-security, data management, hardware and software acquisitions for business operations and instruction.

Sonia's Nomination:

I’m excited to nominate Sonia Hooks for her extraordinary leadership and unwavering dedication as the driving force behind the ”Delete the Divide” initiative at the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Sonia’s exceptional commitment to bridging the digital divide and ensuring equal access to technology and education for all students in Los Angeles County sets her apart as an exemplary leader.

Under Sonia’s visionary guidance, the ”Delete the Divide” initiative has achieved remarkable progress by fostering collaboration with various stakeholders, including private organizations, county partners, and school districts. Her ability to unite diverse groups with a common goal has been instrumental in advancing this crucial cause. Her passion for education and genuine concern for social equity make Sonia an inspirational figure to her colleagues and everyone fortunate enough to work with her. Her ability to inspire others and create a shared vision for educational equality in Los Angeles County distinguishes her as an exceptional leader.

Thanks to Sonia’s innovative strategies and tireless efforts, countless students in Los Angeles County have gained access to essential technological resources, significantly narrowing the digital gap and providing them with equal opportunities for learning and growth. Sonia’s impact goes beyond her role as an educational leader; she has demonstrated exceptional organizational skills, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by underserved communities. Her ability to navigate obstacles and ensure the sustained impact of the initiative has made a positive and lasting difference in the lives of countless students and families.

Furthermore, Sonia Hooks demonstrated exceptional resourcefulness and dedication during the challenging times of the pandemic. She went above and beyond her role in leading the ”Delete the Divide” initiative by actively engaging with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to secure much-needed funding. The initiative successfully procured funds to purchase a staggering 27,000 devices and 21,000 hotspots thanks to her efforts. She also led the distribution of all these devices across our 80 School Districts. Her relentless pursuit of equitable education during a crisis has left a lasting positive impact on the educational landscape in Los Angeles County.

Recognizing that affordable internet access was a crucial component in ensuring equitable education and opportunities, she took the lead in implementing the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) at LACOE. The Affordable Connectivity Program is a lifeline for parents, students, and individuals needing financial assistance to access free or reduced-priced internet services. The community members needing the ACP program have issues navigating the application process. Sonia established an ACP support help desk and ensured they assisted in English and Spanish. By tackling the issue at its root—lack of affordable internet access—they hope to close the gap with over 400,000 homes in L.A. County without broadband internet. To ensure students succeed, tackling this essential need at home provides an opportunity for equal access to learning in a digital world.

Sonia’s innovative approach and tireless efforts in implementing this initiative have uplifted communities, empowered families, and transformed lives. By prioritizing equitable access to the internet, she has laid a strong foundation for fostering education, economic growth, and overall community development throughout the county. Sonia’s efforts have extended beyond just educational institutions; she actively engages with other county government agencies, cities, and private vendors to garner support and resources for expanding the county network. By forging these partnerships, she creates a collaborative environment where all stakeholders contribute to providing internet access to the community.

Sonia has been instrumental in working towards implementing community wireless networks across the region. These initiatives have not only provided more accessible internet connectivity for residents but also laid the groundwork for further advancements. With the goal to bring fiber directly to homes, ensuring reliable and high-speed internet access for all, regardless of location or economic status. In addition to her work on internet access, Sonia is also actively involved in promoting student learning opportunities. She collaborates with our Greater LA Education Foundation and ISD to organize the yearly student tech empowerment event, bringing thousands of students together with technology vendors and partners. This event offers students the chance to explore and engage with innovative and upcoming technologies, inspiring them to consider engineering, programming, technology, and leadership careers.

Sonia’s efforts in coordinating such events enrich students’ educational experiences and serve as a gateway to empowering them to pursue rewarding careers in the technology sector. Through her tireless advocacy and commitment to nurturing talent, she plays a vital role in shaping the next generation of leaders and professionals. Sonia Hooks deserves the highest praise and recognition for her exceptional dedication to expanding internet access, providing technology to those that need it, empowering students, and promoting educational and career opportunities. Her ongoing efforts within the ”Delete the Divide” initiative exemplify her as a true advocate for students, education, and the entire community. It is an honor to nominate Sonia Hooks for a CITE award, as she has positively impacted the Los Angeles community.

Read more about the Regional Community Award Recipient 


Brie Ford Headshot

Brianne Ford
Assistant Superintendent of Information Technology
Irvine Unified School District

Brianne Ford is the Assistant Superintendent of Information Technology for the Irvine Unified School District (IUSD).  IUSD is a high-performing school district of more than 36,000 students with a strong commitment to innovation through technology.  IUSD’s dedicated technology team serves a critical role in the district’s continuous improvement efforts.  Brianne has twenty years of experience leading technology teams  in K-12 education.  Prior to her current role, she served as a project manager, business applications director, and chief technology officer at San Francisco Unified School District.   Brianne earned her B.A. in Public Policy, and M.A. in Policy Analysis and Evaluation from Stanford University. 

Brianne actively collaborates with the K-12 technology community. Brianne is one of the co-founders of the Education Technology Joint Powers Authority (Ed Tech JPA), a procurement consortium for public agencies.  She has served as president of the Ed Tech JPA from 2019-23.  In that role, Brianne supports the organization’s efforts to streamline procurement processes and reduce costs of technology for all schools.  

Brianne attended her first CITE (then CETPA) conference in 2007.  She was in awe of the supportive, knowledgeable community she found at that event.  Brianne joined the second CTO Mentor cohort, becoming a certified CTO in 2008.  She has remained involved with the CTO Mentor program as a mentor and instructor.  Brianne was elected to the CITE Board of Directors in 2010, and served on the Board from 2011 through 2022.  She held the role of president of the Board early in her tenure in 2013, and was Board Secretary for a number of years.  Brianne was honored  to serve CITE as the organization experienced significant growth and changes, from hiring its first employee to the launch of incredible new programs to support professional learning and student data privacy protections.  

Brianne is truly grateful to CITE for the professional and personal support the Board Members, staff, and member community have provided her over the years.  CITE is an exceptional organization that has been instrumental in Brianne’s career and the formation of lifelong friendships. 

DeWayne Cossey Headshot

DeWayne Cossey
Director of Information Technology
Vista Unified School District

Mr. DeWayne Cossey started as the Director of Information Technology for Vista Unified School District in 2012.  Since being appointed director, DeWayne has accelerated Vista's transition to future ready learning by implementing cost effective solutions such as Google Workspace for all staff and students, upgrading wireless to support a 1:1 computing environment, and providing other innovative solutions.  Known as a catalyst for change, Mr. Cossey's continued effort to improve student learning through the use of technology embodies the mission, vision, and values of the Vista Unified School District.  As a result, Vista Unified was entered into Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools, a national coalition of forward thinking school districts.  

In addition to his duties as the Director of Information Technology, DeWayne served on the CITE Board from 2018 - 2022. His thoughtful input has been invaluable as CITE continues to grow. He graduated from the Chief Technology Officer Program in 2008 with the second cohort and has served as a mentor.  He served as Secretary for two years and has cohosted the Showdown sessions at the conference for several years. He is also the past co-founder for the San Diego County Regional Group. 

Mr. Cossey has been recognized for his commitment to educational excellence and innovation by the Vista Education Foundation and has been a finalist for San Diego Magazine’s Top Tech Exec Award.  DeWayne was also recently recognized as the Technology Educator of the year by the Vista Chamber of Commerce and was the recipient of Vista Unified’s Golden Apple award.

Phil Scrivano Headshot

Phil Scrivano
Director of Information Technology (Retired)
Simi Valley Unified School District

Mr. Phil Scrivano served as an educator for over thirty years starting out as a sixth-grade teacher and pursuing a career in technology leadership. He joined CETPA, now CITE, in 1995 and recently served on the board of directors for ten years. When he worked for the State’s Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, FCMAT, he observed how the CASBO organization raised the professionalism of Chief Business Officers by offering CBO certification training.  Phil brought this idea of offering a Chief Technology Officer certification training to the then CETPA board of directors. This gave the CETPA Board the catalyst for hiring the first full time CETPA employee, Andrea Bennett, to serve as executive director and facilitate the creation of the CTO Mentor program.

Phil now resides in McCall Idaho where he works half time providing small school district technology leadership and pursuing his many outdoor passions of off-road motorcycling, hiking, and sailboat racing. The picture background is the view from his dining room table.