Jeff Pelzel PowerSchool Blog Series

Posted By: Charlie Wofford (deleted) Sponsored Articles,

PowerSchool has been transforming K-12 education for decades and has the modern solutions that California School Districts need to solve today's problems.

Former California School Superintendent and current PowerSchool Education Solutions Director, Jeff Pelzel has a new blog series highlighting California Schools' pressing issues and approaches school administrators can take to mitigate these problems.

Jeff Pelzel is an Education Strategy Director at PowerSchool, supporting all PowerSchool solutions in California and other West Coast states. Jeff is an equity-focused, well-respected, visionary leader. Before joining PowerSchool, Jeff spent 28 years working in public education in Washington and California.

Student Chronic Absenteeism and Teacher Shortages are facing districts across California and Jeff provides a thoughtful analysis and concrete steps admins can take to keep students in schools and retain top teaching talent.

Check out Jeff's blog series with PowerSchool below:

Jeff Pelzel:

Data-Driven Solutions:

Teacher Shortages:

Student Chronic Absenteeism: