CITE & Forsyte Guardian 365 Program

Program Explanation

CITE is excited to bring to you our newest Resource Program with Forsyte IT Solutions! Forsyte's Guardian 365 Managed Security Services provides schools with 24x7x365 cybersecurity to proactively protect, detect and respond to threats around the clock. This is a California statewide purchasing contract for Guardian 365 Manager Security Services and is offered at an exclusive discount to all California LEAs through our program.

Benefits of the Program

Forsyte Benefits of Guiardian 365 Managed Security

  • Cyber insurance and GLBA compliance
  • Human-powered cybersecurity extension of your team, trained in incident detection and response
  • Increased ROI of Microsoft 365 security technology investments
  • Single pane of glass security monitoring and on-demand reporting
  • Annual pen test and vulnerability scanning

Contact Info

For further information or to reach out with any questions please contact us at

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Please follow the link below to sign up for a free cyber security premium audit

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