When writing a blog post for the (in)CITE Blog, please keep the following in mind:
- Recommended article length is 1500 - 2000 words (2500 words max). Break up long paragraphs for readability, writer is responsible for ensuring proper grammar, spelling, citations, working links, etc. and one image per 600 words (if none are provided, CITE may use stock images of its choice).
- Engage the readers. Our blog is a great opportunity to reach CITE's members, write something you would enjoy reading. Our audience is primarily made up of IT professionals who work in education and have technical backgrounds.
- Acronyms are common in the IT in Education field; please note their meaning whenever possible for clarity.
- Respecting CITE's rights. CITE has the right to refuse to post, or remove any post by a guest blogger which compromises the integrity of CITE, or fails to align with the vision, mission, or reputation of CITE as an organization. CITE reserves a minimum of two weeks to review before publishing submitted blog articles - CITE reserves the right to make any edits deemed necessary, and/or reach out to request edits or a rewrite. Guest bloggers are asked to provide a 2-4 sentence bio at the end of their article, including contact information is optional.
- All paid sponsored posts will include language to indicate that it is a sponsored post to readers.