2023-2024 Board Election

Meet the Candidates

Our 2023-2024 Board Election Candidates met with our own Andrea Bennett for an informational webinar to share more about who they are with CITE members.

Watch the 2023-2024 Election Candidate Webinar

Tam Nguyen

Chief Technology Officer, Orange Unified

Southern California

Starting as a student worker in a K-12 school district technology department at the age of 17, I have grown through my various roles up to Chief Technology Officer at Orange USD. While I am by no means a sage with decades of experience (only two), I do have relevant and recent experience in building great networks, empowering IT professionals, and creating a CTO role in my district. I believe we all have equally critical but different roles in an IT department and school district. My personal mission is to empower IT staff, district staff, and our students by individually investing in their happiness and success through leveraging technology.

Tony Ramirez

Chief Technology Officer, Santa Barbara Unified

Southern California

For the past 20 years, I've had the privilege of serving students and teachers in various capacities for several organizations throughout Southern California. My progression from a tech role to Chief Technology Officer (CTO) has granted me the opportunity to collaborate with some of the brightest individuals and mentors spanning higher education, the private sector, and public institutions. As I aspire to represent all CITE members, I bring forth my diverse experiences, triumphs, lessons learned, and above all, an unwavering passion for enhancing the quality of education. My guiding principle is pretty straightforward: to make school better. I pledge to support and elevate CITE's mission to lead, nurture, and assist both the organization and it valued members. I am devoted to showing up daily and listening keenly to the needs of the broader educational community. CITE has been an invaluable catalyst for my own personal and professional evolution, and I am eager to serve as a stepping stone for others who are ready to take their next steps. 

Chris Womack

Chris Womack Headshot

Senior Director of Information Technology, Placer County Office of Education 

Northern California

I am a true story for the success of CITE and it's amazing opportunities. As a graduate of the CTOM program I can say with confidence that my success as an IT Director is due in part to this program. I have much respect for the past and present leaders of the CITE organization and am very proud to be a long standing member. In my life I have followed a traditional working path: I worked as a kid, joined the military after completing high school, and then worked 24 years in the Information Technology field. I worked in corporate entities, private companies and also consulted on my own for many years. I can honestly say that when I joined up with the K12 workforce 13 years ago I finally found my calling. I am very proud of what I do on a daily basis and I am even more proud of the team I lead at the Placer County Office of Education. I understand the importance of what we do to provide reliable and secure internet access, reliable computing devices and access to assistive technologies to the students of our county. This is the reason I appreciate the work that the CITE organization has done for years. I would be honored to be a part of the CITE board and do my best to continue supporting the Ed Tech and IT professionals who provide exceptional support to the students, teacher and staff of K12 education entities across this great state.

Current Board Makeup

Our current Board Members are located in the following regions

  • Nine in Southern California, two of which are leaving the Board after 2023.
  • Three in Northern California.

Our current Board Members serve organizations of the following sizes

  • One serving a small organization
  • Three serving medium organizations
  • Eight serving large organizations

Our current Board Members serve the following types of organizations

  • Three serve Unified School Districts
  • One serves an Elementary District and is leaving the Board after 2023
  • Two serve High School Districts
  • Four serve County Offices of Education
  • One serves Post Secondary Education, and will be leaving the Board after 2023

Special Thanks

On behalf of the CITE Board of Directors and all of the staff, we want to recognize two very special Board Members who are stepping down this year. Their contributions to this organization are too many to list here. We are so grateful to them for their dedication and hard work. They have made our organization stronger and our community closer. Thank you all.

Eric Calderon Headshot

Eric Calderon

Eric Calderon joined the Board of Directors in 2018. He is currently serving as President. Eric is stepping down from the Board because he took a job at Citrus College. CITE's policy as defined in our Governance Manual states that any Board member who moves to post-secondary education must give up their seat at the next election. 

Jeremy Davis Headshot

Jeremy Davis

Assistant Superintendent of Innovation and Instructional Support, Fullerton School District

Southern California

Jeremy Davis has been serving on the CITE Board of Directors since 2017. He served as President in 2022 and is ending his tenor as Past-President this year.

Jeremy and Eric have helped CITE grow in the last several years by providing leadership, perspective, and dedication to the organization. They served during the pandemic, our rebrand and name change, and the implementation of term limits for CITE Board members, among other important changes. Their focus on internal operations helped keep the organization fiscally sound and thriving. We are so grateful for their service. 

The Election opened September 25th at 10:30am, and run until November 3rd at 4:00pm. All Educational and Retired members are eligible to vote. All eligible voters should have received a ballot link directly emailed to them. If you did not receive a ballot link, please contact election@cite.org.